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Part 1 - Enough was Enough

Hey there! I'm Jeremy so here is my story when I reached a turning point in my life.
Let me walk you through the w
ay I felt...

unfit male

So yeah, this is me, you might not think I'm terribly out of shape when you first see me, but appearances can be misleading.

My story isn't like those incredible transformations you often hear about, where someone goes from weighing 130 kilograms to having a super fit body in just a few months.

My journey focused more on what was happening inside of me...

See, I was constantly tired, fooling as if the weight of the world was on my shoulders every time I woke up.


To get through the day, I relied on at least seven espressos just to combat the brain fog that clouded my thoughts.


My job at the time was a typical corporate gig, which meant spending around six hours a day glued to my computer screen,


attending endless Zoom calls and drowning in a sea of emails.


It left little time for proper exercise, so I squeezed in sporadic workouts whenever I felt like it or found a spare moment.


When it came to eating, I believed I was making healthy choices, but portion control was nonexistent.


As long as the food was labeled "healthy," I thought It wouldn't harm me.


To tell you the truth, I was clueless about the balance and mindfulness of my meals.


The overwhelming influx of miracle methods and influencers promising quick results also left me confused and frustrated.


It felt like a constant battle to separate fact from fiction and find a reliable approach to reaching my goals.

In my pursuit of fitness, I resorted to unstructured workouts, forcing myself to run four times a week, even though I despised it.

I thought it was the best way to shed some weight, but it only added to my dissatisfaction.


At this time, little did I know what would come next but was determined to change things once and for all.

Part 2 - After the suffering, the awakening

Imagine a world where the health and fitness industry isn't a mess...

This broken system, we live in, has unfortunately affected us all.


We want to see changes in our bodies, but we're bombarded with crazy diets, workouts that leave us battered, and useless supplements that are promising quick fixes at all time.


It's become the norm, and it's not helping anyone.

Have you noticed how so many people are out of shape despite trying their best?


It's not just a coincidence.

I've been there too.

I know how it feels to be frustrated, hungry, and still out of shape.


I've tried all sorts of diets and ended up losing and gaining the same weight over and over.

It made me feel weak and insignificant, like I would never be fit.


It took a toll on my confidence, making me hate what I saw in the mirror and worry about my health on top of what I felt inside of me.

But I decided to make a change.


I stopped obsessing over diets and workouts and started focusing on my overall health and asked for help.

And guess the results I've obtained?

jeremy sieurac - fit male after the programme
jeremy sieurac - fit male after the programme

Now, during this transformative journey, I quickly realized that it's not just about following a specific diet or workout plan for a limited time.

It goes beyond that.


The real secret lies in creating a healthy lifestyle that allows you to thrive while overcoming the mental hurdles that hold you back.

Once you grasp this essential aspect, incredible things start to unfold.

Imagine having abundant energy, feeling less stressed, and seeing remarkable improvements in your workouts.

You can build muscle, lose unwanted fat, and still enjoy your favorite foods.

But here's the best part: it's not a quick fix or a temporary program.

It's a lifelong adventure to achieve your best physical and mental shape while maintaining your progress.

You might be thinking, "Cool, I don't really need to focus on diet or exercise to get in shape right ?!"

before and after picture - jeremy sieurac - fit male after the programme

Well, not exactly.

It's crucial to realize that only depending on exercise or strict diets won't lead to significant results unless you have a strong base of overall health.


And yes, you still need to put in the effort, don't get me wrong.

However, you need to ensure that your health and lifestyle support your training and nutrition goals.

Otherwise, you'll end up going in circles like many others, myself included, because most programs and so-called "coaches" overlook the importance of holistic well-being,

Part 3 - Who's Jeremy as your Coach

successful health coach who is driving an impact with his customer - very satisfied

As I started feeling much better physically and mentally, my confidence skyrocketed!

You know that feeling when you believe nothing can stand in your way?

Well, that's where I found myself.

It even got to a point where I began questioning my career choices and felt compelled to share the method I developed to help others.

Over the past years, I dedicated myself to becoming fully equipped to support my clients in the best possible way, both mentally and physically.

Fast forward to today,


I am a certified coach from the International Coaching Federation (PCC) with over 500 hours of experience.

I have coached more than 50 individuals, helping them unlock their full potential by addressing the mental barriers and challenges that have held them back for far too long.

I firmly believe that going deep into these areas will accelerate your progress and have a positive impact on other aspects of your life.

Furthermore, I have obtained certifications as a personal trainer and nutrition coach from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, ensuring that I can support you at every step of your transformation journey.

Now, are you curious to know more about the program I have developed?

Let's have a look together:

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